

Evolotus PR, founded in 2006, works with nonprofits, activist campaigns, litigation and legislation, documentary films, nonfiction books, vegan foods, and other socially relevant companies. We specialize in animal rights advocacy and vegan products – because promoting our ethics through media is our form of activism.

Evolotus clients are progressive, independent organizations in markets such as food, health and wellness, cannabis, pet products, media, social justice, and culture. Notable clients include Mercy For Animals, Tofurky, Wild Earth, “Cowspiracy,” “What the Health,” “Forks Over Knives,” Beagle Freedom Project, Coconut Bliss, Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation, and the 2015 Supreme Court ruling on marriage equality that made same-sex marriage the law of the land following the landmark case DeBoer v. Snyder (consolidated with Obergefell v. Hodges).

We have represented some of the largest animal rights nonprofits, generating excellent press coverage and helping them grow appreciably in credibility, reputation, and donations. Our campaigns include helping ban the sale of fur in West Hollywood and Los Angeles, fighting ag-gag bills in multiple states, and stopping the U.S. commercial slaughter of horses for food. We publicized campaigns against corporate animal abusers including Walmart, Amazon, Nestle, McDonalds, Chick-fil-A, Hormel, Smithfield, and Butterball. We took on, and won, international press for the criminal case against a woman arrested for offering water to a pig en route to slaughter. We introduced the world to Veganuary, the global campaign that challenges people to try a vegan diet in January. And so much more.

We have represented sanctuaries, rescues, and advocacy groups for animals exploited for food, entertainment, clothing, labor, science, and companionship – including whales, snakes, lions, chimpanzees, and wild horses couldn’t keep us away from helping wild horses. Whether it’s a scrum on the steps of the courthouse or a protest outside the slaughterhouse, we have brought local, national, and international attention to some of our era’s most critical social issues. Helping like-minded people and businesses tell their stories, gain visibility, and generate sales in turn creates a better, more sustainable and peaceful world.

Evolotus principals

Evolotus principals Gary Smith and Kezia Jauron have decades of experience in advertising, marketing, and public relations for a range of clients and products. They left the profitable world of corporate high-tech PR to create Evolotus in 2006. Gary and Kezia have worked together since 1998, and have been married since 2002.

One clear advantage of working with Evolotus is that clients always work with a company principal, and all work is produced by a company principal. Clients are never pawned off on a junior-level staffer or trainee without any seasoning or expertise, and the chain of communication, accountability and follow-through is never broken.

Gary Smith

Gary focuses on media relations and account management. He has contributed essays to anthologies and written for publications such as Elephant Journal, Jewish Journal, and Mother Nature Network. Gary’s alter ego is The Thinking Vegan, who blogs about ethical issues in animal rights and the vegan movement.

Kezia Jauron

Kezia produces most written content and strategic planning. She has contributed to several books, and speaks at conferences and events, on publicity for animal issues and plant-based business. She is a volunteer administrator for Vegan Professional Network, a worldwide group of more than 9000 business owners.